What is allspice?
Allspice is the fruit of the pimento tree, also known as the root medicine (Pimenta dioica). It is part of the myrtle family. It comes from tropical regions in Central America and Mexico. Part of the deliveries sent to Europe come from Jamaica. The pimento tree grows up to 10-12 meters high, is evergreen, with leathery, shiny leaves. The fruits are green, ripening red. Dried fruits, on the other hand, acquire a brown colour. Allspice berries for food is harvested before it ripens. An interesting fact is that it is the only spice that is grown only in the Western Hemisphere.
Allspice berries
Allspice contains significant amounts of carbohydrates and fibre. In addition, it is also a source of iron, calcium, copper, magnesium and potassium. Its characteristic feature is also the high content of vitamin C and B group vitamins.
The substances contained in the allspice have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, including reducing pain associated with arthritis and muscle pain. In addition, they reduce post-traumatic pain. In herbal medicine, allspice is prepared with a paste that can be used as an ointment to relieve muscle and joint pain.
Uses of allspice
Allspice berries are a particularly popular spice in European cuisine, an important ingredient in many marinades, pickles and spice mixtures, soups and sauces. Allspice, meatballs, smoked and tinned meats contain allspice. Herb berries are also added to Scandinavian marinated herring, cucumbers, sauerkraut, venison dishes and English beef with spices.
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